How to install a theme in WordPress Print

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Installing a theme on WordPress is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Choose and download your theme

The first step is to choose a theme that you like and download the files. There are many free and premium themes available online. You can browse through the WordPress theme directory, or you can search for themes on other websites and download the files in .zip format.

If you're using one of our favorite theme providers,, then you will begin by installing the Themify Updater plugin. Once this is installed, you will log into your WordPress dashboard and under the Dashboard menu group on the left, you will see Themify License. Here you can install any of their themes & plugins. And you can skip the next steps 2-5.

Step 2: Log in to your WordPress dashboard
Once you have your theme files downloaded, log in to your WordPress dashboard. You can do this by going to your website’s URL followed by “/wp-admin” (e.g. Enter your login credentials to access the dashboard.

Step 3: Navigate to the Themes page
Once you’re logged in, navigate to the Themes page. You can find this page by clicking on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu and then selecting “Themes”.

Step 4: Upload the theme files
On the Themes page, click the “Add New” button at the top of the page. Then click the “Upload Theme” button. Select the theme file you downloaded in Step 1 and click “Install Now”. WordPress will then upload the theme files to your website.

Step 5: Activate the theme
After the theme files have been uploaded, you will be taken to a page that confirms your theme has been installed. Click the “Activate” button to activate the theme. Once you do this, your new theme will be live on your website!

Step 6: Customize the theme (optional)
If you want to customize your theme, you can do so by clicking on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu and then selecting “Customize”. This will open up the WordPress Customizer, where you can make changes to your theme’s design, layout, and more.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed a new theme on your WordPress.

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